Title: Woman swimming with two dolphins
Artists: Curie, J.Galanis
Details: 2021. Digital.
About: Code Art for Genuary 2021:
PROMPT JAN.13: Do not repeat.
>> Curie and I understood this as "variety" or "irregularity". We modified the code we posted before, so that Curie draws, then cuts up her work, draws again, cuts that up, etc. (This is actually the prompt for JAN.18: One process grows, another process prunes... You get a two-for-one special today! Woo!!)
Not only did we end up with a variety of shapes and textures, but we stumbled into Cubism. That makes sense, since Cubism is all about breaking up forms and reassembling them abstractly.
In today's post, a woman plays with two dolphins. Those dolphins really make the image! ... Maybe I'm the only one that sees a woman with two dolphins.